Digital Transgender Archive

Dia Internacional por la Vida Lesbica y Homosexual

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International News feature highlighting the work of La Red, a queer collective that declared March 21st as the International Day for Lesbian and Gay Life ("Dia Internacional por la Vida Lesbica y Homosexual"). The declaration came from the fight against the murders of trans, gay, and lesbian people across Latin America. The feature also highlights the collaborative action of networks and LGBTQ+ groups worldwide and the role of international organizations. Originally in Spanish, it includes a brief English summary of the article. Published in Color Life volume 1 issue 7.

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Item Information:

Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000)
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
Date Issued
May 1993
Dates Covered
Mar. 21, 1993
1992 to 1993
Amnesty International
Bay Area Coalition Against Lesbian and Gay Violence in Mexico
Black Women for Wages for Housework
Centro Cultural Juan Antonio Corratjer
Circulo Cultural Gay
Closet de Sor Juana
Colectivo Gay, Lesbico y Bisexual Puertorriqueño
Departamento de Derechos Humanos de la Arquidiocesis de Mexico
Dia Internacional por la Vida Lesbica y Homosexual
Gay and Lesbian Equality Network
Helsingin Seudun Seta
Hidalgo Unido por la Salud
International Day for Lesbian and Gay Life
International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC)
International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA)
La Red
PAYDAY group
Raul Lopez Lira
Wages Due Lesbian
California > San Francisco County > San Francisco
California > Los Angeles County > Los Angeles
England > Greater London > London
Leinster > Dublin City > Dublin
Mexico City > Cuauhtémoc Borough
Connecticut > Hartford County > Town of Hartford > Hartford
Uusimaa > Helsinki
Brussels Capital > Bruxelles-Capitale > Arrondissement Brussel-Hoofdstad > Brussels
Baja California > Tijuana
Anti-LGBTQ+ violence
Hate crimes
Latino/a/x LGBTQ+ people
LGBTQ+ activism
LGBTQ+ demonstrations
Murders of LGBTQ+ people
Protest movements
Resource Type
In copyright
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