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Gender affirming surgery
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Christine Jorgensen
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A Changing of Sex By Surgery Begun at Johns Hopkins
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Buckley, Thomas Date: Nov. 21, 1966 Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Gender dysphoria, Homosexuality, LGBTQ+ people of color, Medicalization, MtFs, Transsexual people, Transvestites Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Harry Benjamin, Mental Health, Reed Erickson, The Transsexual Phenomenon Description: A clipping from the New York Times talking about early gender affirming surgery done at Johns Hopkins. -
Charlotte McLeod Interview Transcript
Collection: Charlotte McLeod Collection Institution: GLBT Historical Society Creator: Stryker, Susan Date: Aug. 22, 2002 Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Gender identity, Marriage, Parenting, Passing (Gender), Social movements, Soldiers, Transgender identity, Transsexual people Subject: Christian Hamburger, Christine Jorgensen, Donald Laub, Dora Richter, Dorothy Kilgallen, Elmer Bell, Elsie Monroe, Harry Benjamin, Hirschfield Institute, Lili Elbe, Ralph Heidal, Stanford Gender Identity Clinic, Yvonne DeCarlo -
Christine no Wonder Woman
Collection: Christine Jorgensen Collection Institution: JD Doyle Archives Creator: Community Date: Mar. 20, 1981 Topics: Costume, Gender affirming surgery, LGBTQ+ night life, Nightclubs, Trans women, Transgender people Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Warner Brothers, Wonder Woman Description: Clipping from page 4 of Community, March 20-April 3, published by Tex-Ray Communications. -
Deciding What to Do About Your Gender Dysphoria: Some considerations for those who are thinking about sex reassignment
Collection: AEGIS Publications Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Denny, Dallas Date: 1991 Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Gender dysphoria, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Harry Benjamin, Jan Morris, Lili Elbe, Michael Dillon, Renee Richards, The Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association Description: This booklet provides information on the social and psychic affects of transitioning legally, physically, emotionally, sexually, and socially. -
Facts about Sex Changes
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: JD Doyle Archives Creator: Philip, Don Date: Jun. 1965 Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Health care for LGBTQ+ people, Intersex people, LGBTQ+ night life, Medical care, Transgender identity, Transgender people Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Christopher Somerset, Coccinelle, Georgina Turtle, Guilano Rolando Casciotti, James Ernest Hughes, Vittorio Alvaro Description: Clipping from page 7 of Gay International, Number 14, June 1965, published by Gay Publishing Co. Ltd. -
FTM Newsletter #11
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Mar. 1990 Topics: Androgynous people, Butches, Crossdressers, Drag, Femmes, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Gender dysphoria, HIV/AIDS, Hormone therapy (Gender), MtFs, Transsexual people Subject: A Different Light Bookstore, Alyson Publications, Amelia's Bar, ANDROS, Archives of Sexual Behavior, Billy Idol, Business Week, Casserd Shoes, Charing Cross Hospital Gender Identity Clinic, Christine Jorgensen, Claremont Counseling Center, Dain Chiropractic Clinic, Elvis Presley, Erickson Educational Foundation, Eureka Theatre, European Common Market, European Parliament, Fair Housing Act, First Amendment, FTM Get-Together, Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Duality, Gender Worker Award, Gift Center Pavilion, Golden Gate Men's Council, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Harry Benjamin Standards of Care, Hustler, International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria, J2CP Information Services, Janus Information Facility, Marilyn Monroe, Mary Elizabeth, Men's Counseling Guild, Montreal Gender Identity Clinic, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), Nightbreak, Outrageous Leather Gender Bender, Philadelphia Transsexual Support Group, Rambeau, Rupert Raj, San Francisco AIDS Foundation, San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Historical Society (SFBAGLHS), Steve Dain, Stouffer Tower Hotel, Symposium of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, The Legendary Hollywood Ladies, The Transsexual Voice, The Virgin Machine, Weekly World News Description: Issue #11 of FTM International published in March 1990. Includes reflections on FTM manhood, personals, a report of the 1989 International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria by Rupert Raj-Gauthier, and ... -
FTM Newsletter #34
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Green, Jamison Date: May 1996 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, MtFs, Packers (Phallus), Testosterone, Transsexual people, Transvestites Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Community United Against Violence (CUAV), FTM Conference, FTM International, Jerry Springer, Jerry Springer Show, Lesbian Avengers, Lou Sullivan, Menace Men, Oregon Health Sciences University, Orlando: A Centennial History, OUT Magazine, Questionnaire, Standards of Care, Steve Dain, Transgender Warriors: A History of Resistance from Joan of Arc to RuPaul, Transgendered Officers Protect and Serve (TOPS), Transsexual Menace, Transsexual News Telegraph, Under the Construction Club, Women's LIberation Description: Issue #34 of FTM International published in May 1996. Includes a story of a particular criminal justice case; an account of successful bottom surgery; responses to a questionnaire; a book review; n... -
FTM Newsletter #5
Collection: FTM International Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Date: Sep. 1988 Topics: FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, LGBTQ+ communities, Transgender community, Transgender people Subject: Andros/DC, Sexology Associates, Center for Gender Reassignment, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Christine Jorgensen, Gender Networker, Get-Together, How To Change Your Name, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Los Angeles Times, Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj, Second Serve Description: Issue #5 of FTM International published in September 1988. Features articles on how to change one's name, an account on phalloplasty, and letters to the editor. -
Jude Patton Oral Histories
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: OUTWORDS Creator: Patton, Jude, Funk, Mason Date: Jan. 21, 2021 Topics: Adopted LGBTQ+ people, Education, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Hormone therapy (Gender), LGBTQ+ health education, Sex education, Stealth (Transgender), Transgender activism Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Crossdressers, Heterosexual, Intersocial Club (CHIC), Donald Laub, Female to Male Conference of the Americas, Harry Benjamin, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Jude Patton, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Virginia Prince Description: Jude Patton was born in St. Louis, Missouri, assigned female at birth, and adopted at seven months old. Jude underwent gender-affirming surgery at Stanford University in 1972, one of the first tran... -
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy Oral History
Collection: Oral Histories with People of Color Institution: OUTWORDS Creator: Griffin-Gracy, Miss Major Date: Jul. 27, 2016 Topics: Black LGBTQ+ people, Black transgender people, Catholic Church, Drag, Drag queens, Gay men, Gender affirming surgery, LGBTQ+ clubs, LGBTQ+ sex workers, Misogyny, Murders of LGBTQ+ people, Normalization, Passing (Gender), Police, Sex work, Sissies, Stonewall riots, Substance abuse, Trans men, Trans women, Transitioning (Gender), Transphobia, Women's movement Subject: Ashley, Christine Jorgensen, Cookie, Evelyn, Frank Smith, Grandma Cerils, Helen, Judy Garland, Kitty, Madison Society, Major!, Marcus Arana, Marsha P. Johnson, Mattachine Society, Miss Major, Monica, Natalie Wood, National Lawyers Guild, Puppy, Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries (STAR), Sylvia Rivera Description: Interview with Miss Major Griffin-Gracy conducted by Mason Funk August 27, 2016 at the apartment she shared with her son in Oakland. Miss Major Griffin-Gracy was one of a group of transgender women... -
Notes From The Underground 1997 No. 4
Collection: Notes from the Underground Institution: Ottawa Trans Library Creator: Gender Mosaic Date: Winter 1997 Topics: Black transgender people, Drag, Gender affirming surgery, LGBTQ+ events, LGBTQ+ fashion, Transgender people in the workplace, Transgender relationships Subject: Association of Lesbians, Transgendered, Gays and Bisexuals of Ottawa (ALTGBO), Canadian Labour Conference, Christine Jorgensen, Diagnostic of Statistical Medical Disorders, Erica Rutherford Description: An edition of the Notes From The Underground Newsletter published by Gender Mosaic, which includes reflections on the Canadian Labour Conference where they discussed transgender issues. The issue a... -
Shooting STAR
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: Independent Voices Creator: Warner, Ray Date: Jan. 1, 1971 Topics: Drag, Gender affirming surgery, Intersex conditions, Transsexualism, Women's movement Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries (STAR), Timi Yuro, Ziegfield Description: Clipping from pages 11 and 13 of Detroit Gay Liberator, volume 1, issue 8, published on January 1 1971. -
Transsexual Birds and Bees
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: Northeastern University Archives and Special Collections Creator: Margo Date: Jul. 5, 1975 Topics: Bottom surgery, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Gender identity, Health care for LGBTQ+ people, Hormones, MtFs, Sex education, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexualism Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Erickson Educational Foundation, Gay Community News, Information for the Family of the Transsexual, Legal Aspects of Transsexualism, Religious Aspects of Transsexualism Description: An article reviewing some of the informational pamphlets released by the Erickson Educational Foundation on trans healthcare and law. Originally published on page 15 of volume 3, number 2 of Gay Co... -
transvestite & transsexual liberation
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: Independent Voices Creator: Douglas, Angela Date: Sep. 1, 1970 Topics: Drag queens, Femininities, Feminism, Gender affirming surgery, Homosexuality, Hormone therapy (Gender), Prostitution, Sexual orientation, Transsexualism, Transvestites Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Espionage, From Russia with Love, Gay Liberation Front, Los Angeles City College, Women's LIberation Description: Clipping from page 21 of Come Out!, volume 1, issue 5, published September-October, 1970. -
Triple Echo, Vol. 2 No. 1
Collection: Short Runs of Periodicals Institution: Ottawa Trans Library Creator: Triple Echo, Michaels, Teddy Date: Dec. 1999 Topics: Anti-discrimination law, Gender affirming surgery, Gender non-conforming people, LGBTQ+ prisoners, LGBTQ+ support groups, Transgender community, Transgender history, Transgender newsletters Subject: Christine Jorgensen, Ontario Human Rights Comission Description: Triple Echo Volume 2, issue no. 1, including discussions on the importance of Christine Jorgensen for trans visibily, the impact of scientific innovation on if parents can choose the sex of their c...