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  1. FTM Newsletter #16

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Jul. 1991
    Topics: Crossdressers, Drag, FtMs, Gender dysphoria, HIV/AIDS, Hormone therapy (Gender), MtFs, Transsexual people, Transvestites
    Subject: Be All, Bet Power, Emporer Alexander I, From Female to Male: The Life of Jack Bee Garland, FTM Get-Together, Gluck, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Harry Benjamin Standards of Care, Hormones, How to Be a Good Medical Consumer, How to Find a Doctor, Information for the Female-To-Male, Ingersoll Gender Center, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), J. Walter Thompson Advertising Agency, Janus Foundation, Lou Sullivan, Montgomery Institute, Napoleonic Wars, OUT/Write, Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS), Pandora Press, Southern Comfort Convention, The Cavalry Maiden: Journals of a Female Russian Officer in the Napoleonic Wars, Transpitt, University of Pittsburgh
    Description: Issue #16 of FTM International published in July 1991. Includes an announcement of FTM Group meetings, tributes to Lou Sullivan, a reflection on being a lesbian crossdresser, and book reviews.
  2. FTM Newsletter #17

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Oct. 1991
    Topics: Bigender identity, Crossdressers, Law, LGBTQ+ films
    Subject: Bigender, Carlos Castaneda, Gay Pride Parade, Gertrude Stein, Gianna Eveling Israel, Names Project Quilt, Natinoal Conference on Transgender Law, People Are Talking, The Black Point-What is Transsexualism? - Film
    Description: Issue 17 of FTM International published in October 1991. The article announces upcoming events for FTM Get-Togethers, discussion of new films on transsexualism, The National Conference on Transgend...
  3. FtM Newsletter #18

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Jan. 1992
    Topics: Crossdressers, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, HIV/AIDS, Transsexual people
    Subject: 21 Bernice, A Different Light Bookstore, Atlanta Educational Gender Information Service (AEGIS), Autonomedia, Bay Area Reporter, Boy's Own, Caatherine Millot, Chrysalis Quarterly, Flikker Network, Frida Kahlo, Gay & Lesbian Historical Society of Northern California, Gender Day Tea Dance, Gender Identity Center Newsletter, Gender Identity Center of Colorado, Inc., George Mason University, Gianna Eveling Israel, Girls Will Be Boys, Gluck, Harry Benjamin Standards of Care, Hidden: A Gender, Horsexe: Essay on Transsexuality, How to be a Girl in Six Easy Lessons, Hustler, Information for the Female to Male Crossdresser and Transsexual, Insight, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), J2CP Information Services, Lady Una Troubridge, Leather Stitches, Lou Sullivan, Madonna, Modern Times Bookstore, Montgomery Medical & Psychological Institute, National Performance Arts Festival, New Community of Faith Church, New York Times, Noreen Barnes, Outlaw Productions, Park Bowl, PERMISSION, phalloplasty, Products and Resources booklet, Real Art Ways Raw, Real Person Nights, San Francisco Bay Guardian, Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, She Even Chewed Tabacco, Sisters of St. Elizabeth, Southern Comfort Convention, Taste of Honey, Terranet BBS, The Kennel Club, The Opposite Sex... is Neither, The Transsexual Voice, Theatre Rhinoceros, Transsexual Voice, TV/TS Tapestry Journal, University of Paris, Vested Interests: Crossdressing and Cultural Anxiety
    Description: Issue #18 of FTM International published in January 1992. Includes a 1991 surgical update by Kevin Horwitz, the "Male Box," and reviews of various media (articles, books, productions, etc.)
  4. FTM Newsletter #2

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Dec. 1987
    Topics: Crossdressers, FtMs, Information provision, LGBTQ+ communities, Transgender community, Transitioning (Gender)
    Subject: Chez Mollet Restaurant, Denny Feldman, E.T.V.C, Get-Together, Information for the Female-To-Male, Just One of the Guys, Metamorphosis, My Life As A Dog, San Francisco Sex Information, She Even Chewed Tabacco, University of Nevada
    Description: Issue #2 of FTM International published in December 1987. Article on the movie Just One of the Guys and mention of past community events.
  5. FTM Newsletter #21

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Oct. 1992
    Topics: Bottom surgery, Crossdressers, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, HIV/AIDS, MtFs, Packing (Phallus), Third gender, Third gender people, Transsexual people, Transvestites
    Subject: A Day in the Life of a Gay Boy, A Different Light Bookstore, A New View of A Woman's Body, Aristotle, Beijing Number Three Hospital, Blush Entertainment, Brain Sex: the Real Difference Between Men and Women, Cleis Press, Creative Growth Enterprises, Discovery Channel, Fatale Video, Good Sex, Harvard University Press, IBM PC, IFGE Convention, League of Women Voters, Leatherworks Convention, Los Angeles Times, Lou Sullivan, Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, Max Valerio, Medicaid, MediCal, MLA Guide, Montgomery Institute, Montgomery Medical & Psychological Institute, People Are Talking, San Francisco City Council, San Francisco Examiner, Tapestry Journal, The Male Cross-Dresser Support Group, The Spirit and The Flesh - Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture, Third Gender Alliance, Transsexuals' Rap for Enlightenment and Education (TREE), University of California Berkeley, Vivian Purves, Writer's Guide
    Description: Issue #21 of FTM International published in October 1992. Includes updates about the FTM community, the "FTM Male Box" section, a networking column, an advertisement for a packer, and a review of M...
  6. FTM Newsletter #22

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Jan. 1993
    Topics: Butches, Crossdressers, Deadnaming, Drag queens, Femmes, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Gender expression, Lesbians, Mental health care for LGBTQ+ people, MtFs, Philosophy, Marxist, Testosterone, Transgender people, Transsexual people
    Subject: A Femme/Butch Reader, Joan Nestle, Bay Times, Brat Attack No.3, East Coast FtM Group, Edenews, Gera, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, In Search of Eve: Transsexual Rites of Passage, Ingersoll Gender Center, Jameson Green, Leslie Feinberg, Lou Sullivan, Monika Treut, Short Sizes Inc, Stone Butch Blues, Stonewall, Susan Stryker, The Australian Transsexual Support Association, The Eden Society, The Spirit and the Flesh, The Transgender Caucus of the 1993 March On Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation, Transgender Caucus, Transgender Liberation: A Movement whose Time has Come, Vested Interests
    Description: Issue #22 of FTM International published in January 1993. Includes discussions of past FTM gatherings, review of the show "Geraldo", a look at "Transgender Through a Socialist Lens".
  7. FTM Newsletter #26

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Green, Jamison, Feinberg, Leslie
    Date: Feb. 1994
    Topics: Crossdressers, Gender affirming surgery, Hormone therapy (Gender), Murders of LGBTQ+ people, Testosterone, Trans men
    Subject: Gender Team of the Free University Hospital, How To Change Your Name, International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Leslie Feinberg, Stone Butch Blues, Sydney's Gender Centre, Transgenderist Liberation Council
    Description: Issue #26 of FTM International published in February 1994. Includes discussions of FTM gender confirming surgeries in Europe, the murder of Brandon Teena, and advancements in testosterone applicati...
  8. FTM Newsletter #28

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Green, Jamison
    Date: Jul. 1994
    Topics: Bottom surgery, Crossdressers, Gender affirming surgery, Hormones, Police, Transgender identity
    Subject: Camp Trans, Identity Management in Transsexualism: A Practical Guide to Managing Identity on Paper, San Francisco International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, San Francisco Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Trans Freedom Day Parade, Stone Butch Blues, Transgender: A History of Change
    Description: Issue #28 of FTM International published in July 1994. Includes discussions of successful and unsuccessful FTM gender confirming surgeries, FTM police officer Stephan Thorne, discourse on the term ...
  9. FTM Newsletter #6

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Dec. 1988
    Topics: Binding (Chest), Bottom surgery, Butches, Crossdressers, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Lesbians, LGBTQ+ communities, MtFs, Transgender community, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people
    Subject: Blush Productions, Butch/Transvestite Lesbian Support Group, California Men's Colony, Castro Street, Castro Theater, Center for Gender Reassignment, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Chicago Gender Society, Fun with a Sausage, Gender Networker, Get-Together, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Institute for Psychosexual Health, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), J2CP, Larry King Live, Legal Aspects of Transsexualism, Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, Metamorphosis, Palo Alto Gender Program, Penthouse Fourm, Roxie Cinema, S/M Liberation Seminar, Sexual Preferences of Transsexuals, Speak Easy: How to Talke Your Way to the Top, Sr. Mary Elizabeth, Standards of Care, Terence C. Buencamino, The Sun, TV-TS Tapestry, Uninvited Dilemma: A Question of Gender, VERA
  10. FTM Newsletter #7

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Mar. 1989
    Topics: Bisexual people, Bottom surgery, Crossdressers, FtMs, Gender affirming surgery, Hormone therapy (Gender), Lesbians, LGBTQ+ Christians, LGBTQ+ communities, LGBTQ+ people with physical disabilities, MtFs, Musicians, Packing (Phallus), Testosterone, Transgender community, Transgender fathers, Transgender rights, Transsexual people
    Subject: A.M. San Francisco, Billy Tipton Trio, Castro Theater, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Chicago Gender Society, Fun with a Sausage, Gender Worker, Get-Together, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), International Foundation for Gender Education Convention, Invictus, Isabelle: The Life of Isabelle Eberhardt, Larry King Live, Lou Sullivan, Mannengroep Nederland, Metamorphosis, Michael. Nee Laura: The Story of Dr. Michael Dillon. the World's First Female-to-Male Transsexual, Parivarto, Passing Women - A Study of Gender Boundaries in the Eighteenth Century, Private Pleasures, Rites of Passage, Rupert Raj, Saint Joan, Sally Jessy Raphael Show, Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment, Sharona, Sr. Mary Elizabeth, Steve Dain, The Church and the Transsexual: Can the Church Change?, Walnut Street Theater, What Sex Am I?
    Description: Issue #7 of FTM International published in March 1989. Includes a tribute to Billy Tipton, a summary of the panel of "Wives/Girlfriends of FTM's", and a review of the play, Saint Joan.
  11. FTM Newsletter #8

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Creator: Shevlowitz, Jeff
    Date: Jun. 1989
    Topics: Behavioral therapy, Crossdressers, FtMs, Male impersonators, Trans men
    Subject: An Evening at La Cage, Christine Jorgensen, Executive Director of The Human Outreach, Female to Male Transsexualism, Gender Dysphoria Trust, Harry Benjamin INternational Gender Dysphoria Association Symposium, Labyrinth Foundation, Lou Sullivan, Michael Jackson, Rupert Raj, San Francisco's American Conservatory Theatre, The National Gay Newsmagazine, Unistar
    Description: Issue #8 of FTM International published in June 1989. Discusses FTM Counseling, FTM socials and upcoming symposiums/conferences, critique of medical book, and announcement of Christine Jorgensen's ...
  12. FTM Newsletter #9

    Collection: FTM International
    Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria
    Date: Sep. 1989
    Topics: Binding (Chest), Crossdressers, FtMs, Passing (Gender), Testosterone, Trans men, Transitioning (Gender)
    Subject: Adam's Word, Americans with Disabilities Act, Billy Tipton Memorial Saxophone Quartet, Chez Mollet Restaurant, Claremont Counseling Center, Emmon, Fair Housing Act, FTM Get-Together, Gay Comix, Gay Freedom Day Parade, Gender Dysphoria Trust, Gender Minority Program, Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association, Human Resources Committee, International Symposium on Gender Dysphoria, Michael Jackson, Partners in Process, Rupert Raj, Society for the Scientific Study of Sex, Stonewall Inn, Stonewall Rebellion, The Adam Society
    Description: Issue #9 of FTM International published in September 1989. Includes several open letters, a recap of the tenth FTM Get-Together, and a trans comic.
  13. Gender Euphoria (1987-1991)

    Collection: Gender Euphoria
    Institution: The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
    Creator: Clark, Cheryl, Clark, Jan, Rupard, Janice, Peo, Roger E., Banister, Madeline V., Scribner, Lynn M., Howard, Lady Paula, Rose, Jamie, Phillips, Linda, Meyers, Paula, Phillips, Cynthia, Lamb, Lawrence, Rojas, Trini, R., Michelle, Frederickson, Tere, Marie, Tina
    Date: 1987 to 1991
    Topics: Activists, Clubs, Crossdressers, Family relationships, Gender identity, Information resources, LGBT, Reference sources, Transgender people, Women
    Subject: Boulton and Park Society, Gender Euphoria
    Description: Boulton and Park Society newsletter, Gender Euphoria. Gender Euphoria was originally titled Triple T. News.
  14. Gender Euphoria (1991-1992)

    Collection: Gender Euphoria
    Institution: The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
    Creator: Volker, Marilyn, Micheals, Michelle Anne, Watson, Wanda, Muffy, Clark, Cheryl, R., Michelle, Frederickson, Tere, Banister, Madeline V., Collins, Judy, Barneburg, Tina, N., Dorothy, Aradi, Nicholas S., Jones, Billie Jean, Denny, Dallas, Rhonda, Allen, Jacqueline Anne, Phillips, Linda, Franciene, Lauper, April, Conley, Cissy G., Roberts, JoAnn, Barry, Dave, Helene, Neil, Leone, Kelly, Phaedra, D., Janet, Martin, Da'nelle, Lynn, Merissa Sherrill, Carole, S., Ricki, Virginia, Frye, Phyllis Randolph, M., Karalyn
    Date: 1991 to 1992
    Topics: Activists, Clubs, Crossdressers, Gender identity, LGBT, Reference sources, Transgender culture, Transgender people, Women
    Subject: Boulton and Park Society, Gender Euphoria
    Description: Boulton and Park Society newsletter, Gender Euphoria
  15. Gender Euphoria (1993-1994)

    Collection: Gender Euphoria
    Institution: The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
    Creator: V., Ann, DePalma, Sarah, Altenberg, Jessica, Buse, Julie O., Clement, Ted, Montgomery, Taylor, B., Bonnie, Phillips, Linda, Phillips, Cynthia, Xavier, Jessica M., Frederickson, Tere
    Date: 1993 to 1994
    Topics: Activists, Clubs, Crossdressers, Families, Family relationships, Gender identity, LGBT, Reference sources, Societies, Transgender people
    Subject: Boulton and Park Society, Gender Euphoria
    Description: Boulton and Park Society newsletter, Gender Euphoria