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10 Most Damaging Myths about Transmen and FTMs (March 20, 1999)
1994 FTM Trans Pride
Collection: Miscellaneous Photographs Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: Jun. 1994 Topics: FtMs, Gay pride week, Trans men, Transgender people, Transsexual people Subject: Brynn Craffey, David Harrison, Loren Cameron, Matt Rice, Max Wolf Valerio, Stephan Thorne, Susan Stryker Description: Color photograph taken at the 1994 San Francisco Pride parade that depicts a group of trans men marching in a parade with a sign made by Loren Cameron that reads "FTM TRANS PRIDE." In the front row... -
A Genitoplasty Diary
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Sullivan, Lou Date: Apr. 3, 1986 to Oct. 1987 Topics: FtMs, Gay men, Trans men, Transgender people, Transgender people's writings Subject: Lou Sullivan, Rupert Raj Description: Journal entries detailing Lou Sullivan's experience as he receives gender affirming surgery that include sketches. -
A Letter from Rupert Raj to MtF Transsexuals (1979)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: 1979 Topics: FtMs, MtFs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Trans women, Transgender activism Description: Rupert Raj addresses MtFs transsexuals in a letter titled "You're Beautiful," acknowledging the community's struggles, emphasizing that he cares, and offering his counseling services. -
Adopts Men's Clothes Because Nature Had Given Her Mustache
Collection: Frank Woodhull Collection Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: Oct. 9, 1908 Topics: Crossdressing, LGBTQ+ immigrants, Trans men, Transgender people, Transmasculinity Description: A news clipping from The Mitchell Capital (Mitchell, SD) describing Woodhull's arrival into New York City from Canada. -
Allowed to Proceed in Male Attire
Collection: Frank Woodhull Collection Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Date: Oct. 7, 1908 Topics: Crossdressing, LGBTQ+ immigrants, Trans men, Transgender people, Transmasculinity Subject: Frank Woodhull Description: A clipping from The Forest Republican (Tionesta, PA) describing that Frank Woodhull, who immigrated from Canada to New York City, was allowed to proceed on to his destination of New Orleans. -
Andrew Kimber Citino Oral History Interview
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: University of South Florida Creator: Cyrana Wyker, Wyker, Cyrana, Citino, Andrew Date: Nov. 11, 2013 Topics: Drag bars, Drag kings, Drug addiction, Gender affirming surgery, Lesbians, Trans men Subject: 6pak, 6S Boutique, Chiq Bar, DC Playhouse, Frank Moreno, Jimmy Emerson, Kid Rock, Michael Keeffe, Mo B. Dick, Trans*Action Florida -
Annoucement of the International Magazine of Transsexualism and Rupert Raj's Business Cards
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: Unknown Topics: FtMs, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender community Subject: Gender Worker, International Magazine of Transsexualism, Rupert Raj Description: Leaflet from Gender Worker announcing a new magazine called the International Magazine of Transsexualism. It displays details of contents within as well as subscription/membership prices. The first... -
Article Written by Rupert Raj for The Badger
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: Unknown Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people's writings Subject: Rupert Raj, The Badger Description: Rupert Raj's feature article "City Can Do More... To Boost Small Businesses," published by The Badger. -
Austria: Former Austrian Woman Champion Skier Begins Training For Men's Ski Events - After Sex Change. 1968
Collection: Audio and Video Clips and Transcripts Institution: British Pathé Creator: Reuters Agency, Ltd. Date: Jun. 24, 1968 Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Trans men, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people Subject: 1968 Winter Olympics, Erik Schinegger Description: Video footage of professional skier Erik Schinegger training and at home. -
B is for bartender: Bear bar trannie Matt Rice
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: GLBT Historical Society Creator: Bay Area Reporter Date: Jun. 26, 1997 Topics: Bears (Gay culture), FtMs, Gay bars, Gender identity, LGBTQ+ bars, Sexual orientation, Trans men Subject: Lone Star, Matt Rice, San Francisco State University, Transgender Community Health Project Description: Article by Shan Schwartz that appeared in the Bay Area Reporter that profiles Matt Rice. Published June 26, 1997. -
Ben Singer papers, 1989-2007 : Ms.Coll.51
Collection: Discovery Resources Institution: John J. Wilcox, Jr. Archives, William Way LGBT Community Center Creator: John J. Wilcox Jr. Archives, William Way LGBT Community Center Date: Jul. 17, 2019 Topics: Civic leaders, Educators, Health care for LGBTQ+ people, HIV/AIDS, Hormone therapy (Gender), SM, Trans men, Transgender people Subject: Au Courant, Ben Singer, Bridges to Coalition, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Female Trouble, Gay and Lesbian Latino AIDS Education Initiative, Gay Games, Leslie Nelson, LGBT Health Awareness Week, Philadelphia International Gay & Lesbian Film Festival, Philadelphia Metropolitan Area HIV/Transgender/Transsexual Caucus, Philadelphia Trans Health Conference, Prevention Point Philadelphia, Towards a Transgender Sublime: The Politics of Excess in Trans-specific Cultural Production, Trans Health Action Coalition, Trans-health Information Project (TIP), Transgender Day of Remembrance, Transworld, We X-Ist Description: Ben Singer was an active voice in the Philadelphia transgender community from the 1990s to 2000s and beyond. The Singer papers collection spans 1989 to 2007 and is comprised of organizational paper... -
Biography of Rupert Raj
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: Unknown Topics: FtMs, Gender transition, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people--Identity Subject: Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Gender Worker, Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj Description: A biography of Rupert Raj, which includes information about his gender transition and the work he's done providing resources and support to trans people. -
Black and White Headshots of Rupert Raj
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: Unknown Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men Subject: Rupert Raj Description: Black and white headshots of Rupert Raj. Raj is wearing a shirt in one photo and shirtless in the other. -
Black and White Photograph of Rupert Raj