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Bloomer Costume Outdone
Buffalo Belles Vol. 2 No. 7 (July, 1993)
Collection: Buffalo Belles Newsletters Institution: E.H. Butler Library, Buffalo State Creator: Miller, Denise W. Date: Jul. 1993 Topics: Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Families, Gender diversity, LGBTQ+ partners, Passing (Gender), Secrecy, Support groups Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Boys-R-Us, Brenda Thomas, California Dreamin', Carol Beecroft, Clarion, Delta Chapter, Femme Mirror, Gender Alliance, Heterosexual Cross Dressers Anonymous (HCDA), Holiday En Femme, International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jane Ellen, Nu Phi Chi, Spouses & Partners International Conference for Education (SPICE), Susan Blume, Sweetheart Connection, Tau Chi, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self -
Buffalo Belles Vol. 3 No. 1 (January, 1994)
Collection: Buffalo Belles Newsletters Institution: E.H. Butler Library, Buffalo State Creator: Denise Date: Jan. 1994 Topics: Change of name, Coming out, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Finances, Masculinities, Meetings, Secrecy, Support groups, Transitioning (Gender), Wigs Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Deborah Feinbloom, DRAG, DRESSING UP - Transvestism and Drag: The History of an Obsession, Hara Marano, IFGE Convention, Night Out in Buffalo, Peter Ackroyd, Rochester CD Network, Style is not a Size, Texas Tea Party, The Femme Mirror, Transvestites and Transsexuals, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Virginia Prince -
Buffalo Belles Vol. 3 No. 10 (October, 1994)
Buffalo Belles Vol. 3 No. 7 (July, 1994)
Collection: Buffalo Belles Newsletters Institution: E.H. Butler Library, Buffalo State Creator: Lorraine, Kathy Date: Jul. 1994 Topics: Acceptance, Clothing, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Families, Gender dysphoria, Genetics, LGBTQ+ partners, Passing (Gender), Secrecy, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Annie Oakley, Be All You Want to Be, Canadian Crossdressers Club (CCDC), Jaye Davidson, Leonardo da Vinci, Mariette Pathy Allen, Peter Goodfellow, Philip Arne Oakley Mozee, The Crying Game, Tootsie, Transformations: Crossdressers and Those Who Love Them, Victor Victoria -
Buffalo Belles Vol. 3 No. 8 (August, 1994)
Collection: Buffalo Belles Newsletters Institution: E.H. Butler Library, Buffalo State Creator: Lorraine, Kathy Date: Aug. 1994 Topics: Coming out, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Hospitals, Medical disorders, MtFs, Outing (LGBTQ+ culture), Secrecy, Self-acceptance, Support groups, Transsexual people Subject: Bonnie Bullough, Canadian Crossdressers Club (CCDC), Fantasia Fair, Night Out in Buffalo, Patricia Aldridge, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Vern Bullough -
Buffalo Belles Vol. 4 No. 1 (January, 1995)
Collection: Buffalo Belles Newsletters Institution: E.H. Butler Library, Buffalo State Creator: Lorraine, Kathy Date: Jan. 1995 Topics: Acceptance, Clothing, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Drab (LGBTQ+ culture), Drag, Families, Femininities, Gender realignment surgery, Hormone therapy, LGBTQ+ poetry, Passing (Gender), Secrecy, Transsexual people Subject: Lee Steiner, Leo Wollman, Moonlight in Manhattan NYC, Nu Phi Chi, Speaking As A Woman, Tiffany Club -
Call Me Susan, Says the Pipe Major
Collection: Newspaper and Periodical Clippings (1950-2000) Institution: Transgender Archives, University of Victoria Creator: Airs, Gordon Date: Nov. 18, 1976 Topics: Alcohol, Army, Divorce, Gender dysphoria, Hormone therapy, Secrecy, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Farquhar McIntosh, Susan McIntyre Description: Clipping originally collected by Richard Ekins (from The University of Ulster Trans-Gender Archives/Richard Ekins collection at the Transgender Archives, University of Victoria) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 10 No. 5 (May, 1994)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: May 1994 Topics: Clothing, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Gender realignment surgery, Jewelry, Masculinities, Medicalisation, Prejudices, Religions, Secrecy, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Crystal Club, John Wayne, Live With Kathy Lee and Regis, Sun Wig Shop Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 11 No. 7 (July, 1995)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: Jul. 1995 Topics: Acceptance, Clothing, Coming out, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Dance, Discrimination, Gender realignment surgery, Harassment, LGBTQ+ relationships, Roman catholicism, Secrecy, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender), Transsexual people Subject: Americans with Disabilities Act, Be All You Want to Be, Diane Torrance, Eugene A. Schrang, GenderPAC, Heather Cox, Heather Phillips, Holiday Inn, Human Rights Campaign (HRC), International Foundation for Gender Education (IFGE), Jennifer Marquette, Kristine Jones, LeAnn McCord, Miss Be All, New Spirit Metropolitan Community Church, Paris Is Burning, Paula Harmston, Richard F. Docter, Riki Anne Wilchins, RuPaul, The Thing Shop, Transgender Lobbying Day, Village Discount Outlet Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 11 No. 9 (September, 1995)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: Sep. 1995 Topics: Bible, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Death and dying, Film, Finances, LGBTQ+ relationships, Prejudices, Secrecy, Support groups, Transgender people, Transitioning (Gender) Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), Erie Sisters Riverside Gala Weekend, Fall Harvest, Fantasia Fair, Golden Lions, Greater Cincinnati Gay/Lesbian Coalition, Just Like a Woman, Slightly Older Lesbians (SOL), The Danny Show, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 2 No. 12 (December, 1986)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: Dec. 1986 Topics: AIDS activists, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Secrecy, Transgender people, Transsexualism Subject: Cincinnati Gay Cable Network, Greater Cincinnati Gay/Lesbian Coalition, National Gender Alliance (NGA), To Care Is To Cure, Transpitt, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 2 No. 2 (February, 1986)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: Feb. 1986 Topics: Advertising, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Electrolysis, Families, Hormones, Secrecy Subject: Night Talk Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 3 No. 1 (January, 1987)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: Jan. 1987 Topics: Appearance, Clothing, Coming out, Cosmetics, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Femininities, Finances, Secrecy, Support groups, Transsexual people Subject: Cynthia Sue Pierce, Kevin Palmer, Mike Chanak, Mike Floyd, Wife/Girlfriend Support Group (WGSG) Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985) -
Cross-Port InnerView, Vol. 3 No. 10 (October, 1987)
Collection: Cross-Port InnerView Institution: Digital Transgender Archive Creator: Cross-Port Date: Oct. 1987 Topics: Coming out, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, LGBTQ+ partners, LGBTQ+ radio, LGBTQ+ relationships, Research, Secrecy Subject: TV/TS National Convention, Women Married to Transvestites: Problems and Adjustments Description: Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. 1 No. 3 (September, 1985)