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Transgender people's writings
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A Biography of Jack Bee Garland (A.K.A Babe Bean)
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Sullivan, Lou Date: 1988 Topics: FtMs, Transgender activism, Transgender people, Transgender people's writings Subject: Jack Garland, Lou Sullivan, Rupert Raj, San Francisco Bay Area Gay and Lesbian Historical Society (SFBAGLHS) Description: A biography of Jack Bee Garland (aka Babe Bean) written by Lou Sullivan that discusses not only Garland's biography, but the process of researching and writing it. -
A Brief History of FACT
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: 1985 Topics: Transgender people's writings Subject: Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), GenderServe, Rupert Raj, Susan Huxford Description: An article from Gender Serve about how the Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT) was founded and the possible future of the organization. -
A Genitoplasty Diary
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Sullivan, Lou Date: Apr. 3, 1986 to Oct. 1987 Topics: FtMs, Gay men, Trans men, Transgender people, Transgender people's writings Subject: Lou Sullivan, Rupert Raj Description: Journal entries detailing Lou Sullivan's experience as he receives gender affirming surgery that include sketches. -
Article Written by Rupert Raj for The Badger
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: Unknown Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people's writings Subject: Rupert Raj, The Badger Description: Rupert Raj's feature article "City Can Do More... To Boost Small Businesses," published by The Badger. -
Book Review of David Keith Cohler's "Freemartin"
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: 1988 Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings Subject: David Keith Cohler, Rupert Raj Description: Book review of "Freemartin" by David Keith Cohler written by Rupert Raj for his newsletter Gender Networker. Raj writes that the book negatively portrays FtM transsexuals. -
Call for Papers to an International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex and Gender
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: 1994 Topics: Transgender people's writings Subject: International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex, and Gender, Rupert Raj Description: The call to papers to the International Congress on Cross-Dressing, Sex and Gender. It explains when and where the congress will be happening, what it will entail, and invites people to attend, spo... -
Collection of Essays and Poems Written by Rupert Raj
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: 1989 Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender people's writings Subject: Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj, TV-TS Tapestry Description: Two essays and nine poems written by Rupert Raj. All pieces describe and recount Raj's feelings about living as a man and his transition. -
Collection of Six Poems
Collection of Writings and Photos on the "Be All You Want To Be" Weekend
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Prince, Virginia Date: 1988 Topics: Crossdressing, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings, Transvestites Subject: Be All You Want to Be, Hoes and Heels, Louise Lawrence, Rupert Raj, Transvestia, Tri-Ess Society for the Second Self, Virginia Prince Description: Collection of speeches, writings, and some photographs from and about the "Be All You Want to Be" conference. Virginia Prince gives detailed life history and personal opinions on gender and sex. Ma... -
Editor's Version: Gender Networker Vol. 1 No. 2
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: Aug. 1988 Topics: FtMs, Gender dysphoria, MtFs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings Subject: Gender Networker, Rupert Raj Description: The Gender Networker from August 1988 containing a compilation of multiple book reviews and recommendations, all relating to transgender and queer identities. This version contains handwritten edit... -
FACT Toronto News Release: "Susan, Our 'Sweetheart'"
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Date: Apr. 14, 1986 Topics: Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings Subject: Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Human Achievement and Outreach Institute, Janus Information Facility, Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj, Susan Huxford, TS Counseling, Window To The World Services (WTTW) Description: Fact Toronto News Release "Susan, Our 'Sweetheart'" which discusses a celebration of Miss Susan C. Huxford, Executive Director of FACT. Includes list of gifts she received and from whom. -
First Mailing from John A. of the F2M Organization
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: A., John Date: Unknown Topics: Gender affirming surgery, Trans men, Transgender community, Transgender people's writings Subject: F2M, Johnny A, Rupert Raj, true Description: Johnny Austen introduces F2M in their first mailing. He discusses the importance of relying on one another as a community. He emphasizes the non-profit, free-of-charge membership, as well as the co... -
Gender NetWorker Layout
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: Jun. 1988 Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings Subject: Gender Networker, Lou Sullivan, Robert Farina, Rupert Raj Description: Layout draft of Volume 1, No. 1 of the Gender NetWorker. -
Gender Networker Newsletter Excerpt
Collection: Rupert Raj Collection Institution: The ArQuives Creator: Raj, Rupert Date: 1989 Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism, Transgender people's writings Subject: Gender Worker, Rupert Raj Description: Excerpts from the Gender Networker newsletter published by Rupert Raj, including title page and "Rupert's TS/TV Trivia."