Digital Transgender Archive
- Jayne Thomas1
- Kitty Carlisle Hart1
- Mary Hayes1
- National AIDS Memorial Quilt1
- National Transgender Event in Washington, DC1
- New York State Council1
- Patricia King1
- Ren'ee Chevalier1
- Rhapsody the News Letter of Transpitt of Pittsburgh1
- Tanya Taranenko Popov1
- The Names Project1
- Tiffany Club1
- Tiffany Club of New England (TCNE)1
- Transgenderests Independence Club (TGIC)1
- Transpitt1
- Transvestites and Transsexuals: Toward of a Theory of Cross-Gender Behavior1
- Transvestites Independence Club1
- Tri-Ess Sorority1
- TVIC Albany1