Digital Transgender Archive
- Debbie Hunt1
- Dillon King1
- Educational TV Channel (ETVC)1
- Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)1
- Expressing Our Nature1
- Fabuki Takane1
- Fantasia Fair1
- Francis Vavra1
- From Female to Male: The Life of Jack Bee Garland1
- Gemini Gender Group1
- GENDER 1011
- Gender Dysphoria Program Questionnaire1
- He Says, She Says: Closing the Communication Gap Between the Sexes1
- Information for the Female to Male Crossdresser and Transsexual1
- International Bill of Gender Rights (IBGR)1
- It's Time America1
- James Cromwell1
- James Elias1
- James Green1
- Jami G.1