Digital Transgender Archive
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- Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association2
- John Money2
- Second Serve2
- Self Help Association for Transsexuals (SHAFT)2
- Academisch Ziekenhuis Vrije Universiteit1
- Allan Berube1
- American Lifestyles Information and Education Services Inc. (ALIES)1
- Betty Wilson Steiner1
- Bodyshock: The Truth about Changing Sex1
- Canon Clinton R. Jones1
- Center for Gender Reassignment1
- Charing Cross Hospital Gender Identity Clinic1
- Chicago Gender Society1
- Christine Jorgensen1
- Clarke Institute of Psychiatry1
- Community Of Religious In Service To America (CORISTA)1
- Crossing the Line1
- David Keith Cohler1
- Femininity1
- First International FTM Conference1