Digital Transgender Archive
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- Rupert Raj8
- Metamorphosis3
- Clarke Institute of Psychiatry2
- Association of Lesbians, Transgendered, Gays and Bisexuals of Ottawa (ALTGBO)1
- Canadian Task Force for Transgendered Law Reform (CTFTLR)1
- Charles Devine1
- Charles Horton1
- Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT)1
- Fringe Festival1
- Gender Worker1
- International Conference on Transgender Law & Employment Policy (ICTLEP)1
- Joanne Law1
- Julia Terzis1
- Lesbian and Gay Youth of Toronto1
- Magnus Hirschfeld1
- Micheline Johnson1
- Mike Camp1
- Queen's Hospital1
- Queering The National Conference1
- Richard von Krafft-Ebing1