Digital Transgender Archive

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  1. Announcement and Forms from the Ontario Human Rights Commission

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Smith, George, Anand, Raj, Donald, Christine
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: Anti-discrimination law, Transgender activism, Transgender people
    Subject: Rupert Raj
    Description: Announcement from the Ontario Human Rights Commission detailing the addition of "sexual orientation" to its laws, making it illegal to dsicrimnate against people based on their sexual orientation. ...
  2. Curriculum Vitae of Susan C. Huxford

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Huxford, Susan C.
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: MtFs, Trans women, Transgender activism, Transsexual people
    Subject: GenderServe, Rupert Raj, Susan Huxford
    Description: Curriculum Vitae of Susan C. Huxford, founder of GenderServe Counseling, Educational, and Research Services.
  3. Document of Rupert Raj's Professional Qualifications and a Metamorphosis Confidential Contacts Signup Sheet

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: 1988
    Topics: FtMs, Trans men, Transgender activism
    Subject: Metamorphosis, Rupert Raj
    Description: Document describing the professional qualifications of Rupert Raj, detailing his education and his experiences within the gender worker world. Additionally, there is a signup sheet for the Metamorp...
  4. Fact Sheet Aims from the Federation of American and Canadian Transsexuals

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Federation of American and Canadian Transsexuals
    Date: Unknown
    Topics: Transgender activism, Transgender community, Transsexual people
    Subject: Federation of American and Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Foundation for the Advancement of Canadian Transsexuals (FACT), Rupert Raj
    Description: Fact sheet aims from the Federation of American and Canadian Transsexuals that demonstrate the goals of the organization in 10 principles and outlining requirements for membership and subscription.
  5. Subscription Form for Gender Worker

    Collection: Rupert Raj Collection
    Institution: The ArQuives
    Creator: Raj, Rupert
    Date: 1988
    Topics: FtMs, South Asian bisexual people, South Asian transgender people, Trans men, Transgender activism
    Subject: Gender Networker, Rupert Raj
    Description: Form addressed to helping professionals and resource providers to subscribe to Rupert Raj's newsletter, Gender Worker.